The detail in this is just phenomenal, the gradual fade of the feathers into the background is very well done too, You should see about colouring this with photoshop or some sort of digital medium.
The detail in this is just phenomenal, the gradual fade of the feathers into the background is very well done too, You should see about colouring this with photoshop or some sort of digital medium.
Thanks! I did try coloring it digitally, but with not much success. Maybe I will try again at some point.
It has this very nice grainy feel to it, the pose and everything are done well, that cigarette looks very nice too, the sweater is not so much. I also feel that his shoulder on the right side is very weird.... Well done piece over all.
thank you, I made no draft and became grotesque and with an anatomy wrong. thanks for the tips.
Very very well done for having no references, the Jewels came out very nicely along with the leather buckle.
Their could have been some more minute details around where the gouges formed, and maybe some texture in the lights, especially that left side shoulder plate, and the leather strap looks a little too thin to me.
And if I'm not mistaken, weren't you featured on Jazza's showcase?
Hey thanks for the good observations and I will definely work on it during my next project. Being my first refined free handed piece I came across a lot of complications that I had to work though. And yes I was featured for my ezio piece. I entered this one into his showcase as well and hope to at least have it shown lol.
The detail that went into the scissors is amazing, and the fact that this is actually PAINTED just reinforces the work that went into this, I feel like the flower itself could use some more to it, the flower needs maybe some dynamic lighting to it, and same with the scissors, preferably highlights to emphasize the metal.
This is a very, very good pic other wise.
I agree that the flower is in need of some dynamic light and contrast; I wanted to make it "whiter," sort of illuminated with just hints of color to give it essence and dimension, but I'm still relatively new to painting and I couldn't manage the dynamic lighting we both are in need of here. I've failed us BOTH, BLAGH! Lol.
I also didn't want the scissors to look TOO shiny because I wanted them to look sort of "antiqued" or rustic, like they were beautiful but not quite new. There are many things that can be better about them anyway though. Thanks a lot for the critique, I very much appreciate it. :)
Great job with the overall design!
The face and over sized forehead really got me!
Especially the nose, brow, and beard.
If you could finish it up and maybe touch up a few patterns in the back, and then jam pack it with color and more patterns, this could end up being a perfect (9.9999999..../10) piece.
Great job
It's getting close to done but I find it hard to draw these days. The music sort of sucks up most of my inspiration. That and I've taken up painting again. I never did figure out what I want to be when I grow up.
Hobbyist Artist
The Great Land of Canada
Joined on 11/27/12